Emergency Dentist — Frisco, TX

Urgent Oral Care When You Need It

A woman showing her dentist where her toothache is

A dental emergency is never something you should ignore. If left alone, it’ll greatly threaten your oral health and quality of life. Instead, go and see your emergency dentist in Frisco at once. Dr. Phillips and our dental team will work quickly to fix your urgent oral issue. Your smile will then be on its way to a full recovery. If you’d like to hear more, we’ll gladly share the relevant details. Simply keep reading or book a same-day consultation soon!

Why Choose Frisco Dental Care for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments Available
  • Dentist with 30+ Years of Experience
  • Wide-Ranging Care Under One Roof

How We Treat Dental Emergencies

A blurred view of dentists and a woman in a dental clinic

Perhaps you’re facing your first dental emergency. If so, you needn’t worry; our office will walk you through the treatment process. With that said, expect these four things from your urgent care visit:

  • A Same-Day Appointment – Once you call us, our dental team will book you for the earliest visit possible. You may even see us the very same day! While you wait for treatment, our staff can offer first aid-tips over the phone.
  • An Emergency Exam – You’ll undergo an oral exam when you first arrive for care. Through this measure, Dr. Phillips will learn the source of your issue. He’ll also settle how to relieve your pain.
  • A Review of Findings – Dr. Phillips will review his findings with you after the exam. When he does, he’ll outline a few suitable procedures. Our team will then use your feedback to draft a custom treatment plan. Of course, we’ll explain the estimated cost and time before you commit.
  • Crucial Dental Care – We’ll quickly address your dental issue after writing up your treatment plan. Given our office’s skill and experience, you can trust you’ll get excellent results. Whether the fix you need is a crown, filling, root canal, etc., your smile will be healed in short order.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

Though dental emergencies come in many kinds, some types happen more often than others. You should call us for help if you face the latter sort. After all, our team is well-equipped to treat these “normal” dental dilemmas. There’s no reason to endure them on your own. In fact, please contact us if you’re dealing with any of the following:

Keys to Preventing Dental Emergencies

Someone using a calculator to learn the cost of dental emergencies

Although dental emergencies can’t always be avoided, you can reduce the risk of having one. It’s just a matter of using the right tips and tricks! With this in mind, consider these methods to protect your teeth and gums:

Visit Your Dentist

Patient smiling during dental checkup

Remember, your semi-annual dental checkups and teeth cleanings aren’t optional. Quite the opposite: they are essential when it comes to maintaining your healthy smile! For that reason, we recommend coming to our Frisco dental office every six months (or sooner if abnormal dental symptoms arise before then). That way, we can catch and treat any decay or damage early on.

Care for Your Smile

Man smiling while flossing his teeth

Naturally, caring for your smile on a daily basis is important too. To prevent food particles, plaque, and other debris from lingering on your teeth for long periods of time, we recommend brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste after each meal (or twice a day, if that’s not possible). It’s also crucial that you floss and rinse with mouthwash to clean between your teeth!

Eat Healthy

Smiling woman drinking green smoothie while reading

Although it may be tempting to fill up on sugary foods and treat yourself to sugary drinks, it’s important that you don’t go overboard on treats. Otherwise, your teeth and gums will suffer. Instead, eat balanced meals filled with mouth-healthy foods, like blueberries, plain yogurt, and scrambled eggs. It’s important to drink lots of water too; this will help prevent dry mouth while keeping you hydrated!

Use a Mouthguard

Closeup of man wearing blue mouthguard outside

It goes without saying that you should wear a mouthguard during contact sports, like football and wrestling, but did you know that you should wear one during non-contact sports too? It’s true! Whether you skateboard, run, or rollerblade, you should wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth and gums from harm.

Note: You should also wear a nightguard while you sleep if you grind or clench your teeth.

Avoid Bad Habits

Man smiling while working on laptop in office

Want to avoid chips, cracks, and other dental damage? One of the easiest ways is by adopting good habits and quitting bad ones. After all, chewing on ice cubes, biting your fingernails, and using your teeth to open things might seem harmless, but they can lead to a painful dental emergency.

Tip: Ask your dentist for help if you’re having trouble implementing better habits! They can share some of their recommendations and provide helpful information on how following their instructions can save your smile and your wallet.

Understanding the Cost of Emergency Dentistry

Coins being put into a jar

When you’re in the throws of a serious dental emergency, the last thing we want is to contribute to any stress you’re feeling with financial component of the procedure. That being the case, we do everything that we can to make the cost of your emergency dental treatment as easy as it can possibly be to navigate.

We’ll give you a full estimate for what your emergency dental care is going to cost when we meet you in person, but here’s what you should know before then about the typical price of emergency dental care.

Every Dental Emergency is Different

Tooth on a stretcher

Generally speaking, the cost of the emergency exam is fairly low and offered at one set price. The bulk of what you’ll pay will come from the restorative treatment used to deal with your issues, the particulars of which will naturally depend on the particular nature of your dental emergency.

Depending on what brought you to our office, this could mean dental crowns, a root canal, a simple filling, or even an extraction. There massive differences in what treatments are used to deal with dental emergencies makes it difficult to give you a sense of what you’ll pay until we meet you in person—however, we’ll be sure to walk you through what you can expect to pay once we understand more about your unique circumstances.

Taking Care of Your Smile Can Save You Money

Picture of someone flossing

In most circumstances, the most cost-effective method of dealing with dental emergencies is by preventing them from happening in the first place. While it can often seem like dental emergencies come out of nowhere, the truth of the matter is that most of them are the consequence of serious oral health problems that are coming to a head.

That being the case, you can often do a lot to prevent dental emergencies from coming to pass in the first place by taking care of your teeth. Daily dental hygiene will prevent the buildup of plaque from weakening your teeth, and visiting us for regular preventive appointments will allow us to detect serious oral health problems before they become serious.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Emergencies?

Dental insurance form on a table

Dental emergencies are generally treated with any of a number of restorative treatments, most of which are covered by dental insurance. While the details will generally vary depending on the nature of your dental plan, you can usually expect to have anywhere from 50% to 80% of your services paid for by your dental coverage.

We know that navigating dental paperwork can be stressful, so we’ll be happy to help you with this part of the process.

Other Options for Making Dental Emergencies Affordable

Money going into a piggy bank

We also know that not everyone has insurance, so we do what we can to make our services affordable without it. If you’re a regular here, you might be interested in our in-house financing plan. For a flat annual fee, we can give you substantial discounts on many of the services you receive from us—both the exams and the treatments you need to deal with your dental emergency.

If you have any more questions about what we can do to make your treatment more affordable, reach out to us for an appointment today!

Dental Emergency FAQs

Will my toothache go away on its own?

Patients commonly assume that if they give it enough time, their toothache will go away on its own. That’s not the case. In fact, the opposite is true: the longer you wait, the worse the root of the problem will get. For that reason, we recommend getting in touch with our team at Frisco Dental Care sooner rather than later, especially if your pain, discomfort, or soreness has already persisted for several days.

Should I visit the emergency room first for dental emergencies?

There’s a common misconception that toothaches, dental sensitivity, and the like warrant a visit to the ER. However, hospitals rarely have dentists on-staff. So, it’s best to only go there if you’re experiencing potentially life-threatening symptoms, like trouble breathing, difficulty swallowing, and severe facial swelling.

What does throbbing tooth pain mean?

Throbbing tooth pain could be the result of several things, including a large crack in your enamel, an infection in your gums, and damage to an existing restoration. The best thing to do if you find yourself in this situation is to call our Frisco dental team ASAP to share what’s going on and schedule an emergency exam. When you arrive at our office, we can both pinpoint the root of the problem and provide the necessary restorative care.

Do chipped teeth heal?

Although enamel is incredible in several ways (including the fact that it’s the hardest substance in the human body!), it cannot regenerate. As a result, the missing structure of your tooth will not grow back. We recommend scheduling an appointment with us if you chip a tooth, even if the damage seems relatively minor. That way, we can restore the missing structure while also ensuring that the tooth doesn’t become infected or break again.

Are knocked-out baby teeth a dental emergency?

While baby teeth aren’t meant to last forever, they aren’t meant to be knocked out either. So, you should definitely bring your child in for a visit with Dr. Phillips if that happens.

Note: If your child’s tooth was knocked out and they are also experiencing potentially life-threatening symptoms, like a fractured jaw or uncontrollable bleeding, then take them to the ER first.

Can superglue be used to repair broken dentures?

There are a few reasons the answer is “no.” The first is that superglue and other household adhesives contain toxins that are not safe to ingest. The second is that – even if you did take this approach – it would only be a matter of time before it breaks again, potentially to the point where it can no longer be repaired. Simply put, you should always schedule an appointment with us instead of trying to take the DIY approach.